Facebook Login Page Changed:
To my surprise, the default login page of Facebook.Com has changed recently. I have posted the screen shot of this change, the new Facebook sign in page (Shown in Below picture) is a ‘default’ one and not a customised version with help of any Plugin/Add-On/Extension/Hook.
In my opinion the new Facebook login page interface is clean and more attractive than the older one. I am using Linux Ubuntu operating system with a Mozilla Firefox Browser. But on Chrome and Internet Explorer it is still showing the traditional page.
I am posting screen shots of both the interfaces taken in different browsers windows.
Old Facebook Interface:

New Facebook Interface:

I must say again that the change is only visible in Firefox browser, as both screen shots were taken at the same time almost. Just the difference was of browsers as the first shot was taken from a Chrome browser.
However this is a minor change but I must say that it is a real refreshing one unlike the introduction of ‘Timeline’ few months back. Facebook Timelines were not taken very well by majority of the users of this social networking giant. Such changes are sometimes required to build up loyal users and also to avoid monotony at the same time. One of the earliest social networking venture of Google (Orkut) was fizzled out of the scene just because of such attentions. This is purely my view on Orkut, may be many of you are still using it to catch up with your folks and foes 😉
Well on a concluding note : Such a change is only going to add more users on already 1 billion strong base of Facebook and help rising the stocks of FB in NASDAQ..wink…wink..My best wishes to Mark Zuckerberg and team.
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